This is a SKY website examining the performances of methods correcting for publication bias.
This website contains:
The main results of the project so far can be summarized in the performance of the various estimators of the true effect compared to pre-registered replications. The analysis behind this data is available here. The following graph shows it all:
Performance of various estimators of an effect compared to pre-registered replications
The original estimates have large baises. Meta-analysis divides the mean bias by two. The PEESE and PEESEpos methods brings the bias further down by 40%. The FATPETPEESEpos method brings the bias further down by 50%. The other criteria tell a braodly similar story. This data makes the FATPETPEESEpos estimators the best estimators so far to estimate true treatment effects using the published record, with selection models a close second. p-curving does not manage to improve on bais correction beyond what standard meta-analysis can achieve.
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